This article was originally published as dated below. It has been reedited for computer transmission as of 4/22/95. No substantial factual changes have been made from the original except to correct minor errors.

A Monthly Publication


It is the editorial intention for this monthly report to involve people in a lucid and technically competent discussion of UFO phenomenon. These reports will discuss the history of the phenomenon, UFO flight characteristics, the occupants, UFO physical effects, their propulsion methods, the technological and theoretical implications, and the social and spiritual implications of the phenomenon.
Gary Wade ( Editor )

As we grow up we learn to take earth's gravity ( 1g ) for granted. We learn how to walk, move, lift things, and build things while taking into account gravity's presence on an almost subconscious level. Seldom, if ever, do we think of the presence of our atmosphere and its pressure as a consequence of gravity. Nor do we consider the strength of our bones, tendons, and muscle fibers as largely a reaction to the strength of the earth's gravity field. However, if we were to go to another planet with a significantly different gravity strength, it would probably be the major concern for some time. All who have seen the motion pictures of our men on the moon must have noticed how easily they moved around with their normally heavy and bulky space suits. Imagine how trapped they would be in those suits if they landed on a planet with 3g gravity. They would have to be able to lift and move two extra people their own weight plus two extra space suits just to walk on such a planet. We had better send Mister Universe there.
Just the opposite happens when a visitor from a 3g planet visits earth. If the visitor from 3g can breath our atmosphere and therefor not need a special suit, he too can dance around like our men on the moon did. And you'd better be nice to him.

Numerous witnesses have reported UFO flybys, hoverings, and take offs. Concurrently they have experienced partial to total rigid paralysis, numbness, prickly heat sensations, "sun" burns, and a humming noise that, no matter which way you turn, sounds like it is coming from behind you. All of these effects can be explained as a byproduct of the UFO propulsion mechanism most commonly used in our atmosphere. The qualitative aspects of this propulsion mechanism have been discussed in the July 86 issue of THE UFO REPORT. The components of this propulsion mechanism are: 1) Intense pulses of microwave radiation, 2) An intense static magnetic field, and 3) A strong pulsed or oscillating magnetic field. It will now be shown how these propulsion components can explain the stated physiological effects.
Paralysis: To be paralyzed means that the nerve impulses sent to the muscle from the brain do not reach the muscle. There are two ways in which this lack of nerve impulse transmission can occur. One way is for there to be damage to the nerve fiber, which stops the transmission. The other way is for the nerve fiber to be continually fired at a saturation rate so that no new impulses from the brain can be carried by it. This second method causes the muscle to contract. However, each muscle in the body usually has another muscle which can oppose its action. If this muscle is also sent a saturation rate nerve impulse, rigid paralysis will occurs. For the nerve fibers that deliver impulses to the muscle, the saturation firing rate is around 500 pulses per second. This is also the approximate rate at which many UFOs pulse their microwave and magnetic field emissions when traveling at low velocity ( subsonic ). Since the human body is "immersed" in a magnetic field which is pulsed or oscillating in strength, a voltage drop can be induced around a closed path of body tissue and therefore current flow is induced. If the induced voltage drop is large enough, some or all of the nerve fibers to a muscle will be fired. It is just this effect which sometimes occurs with witnesses close to UFOs.
Associated with this rigid paralysis can also be the sensations of numbness and prickly heat on the skin. Some UFOs use pulsed high frequency ( 105 to 107 sec.-1 ) high voltage ( 105 to 107 volts ) emissions in place of microwave pulses to produce the needed air ionization for the propulsion mechanism. If a witness is to close to such a UFO they will also experience1 sensations of numbness and prickly heat on the skin.
"Sun" burn: When a UFO uses pulsed microwave emissions to ionize the air, there is an associated pulse of very intense ultra violet light emitted. This ultra violet light comes from the recombination of electrons with ionized air molecules and atoms. Also, excited atoms and molecules returning to the ground state can emit ultra violet light. The average radiated power in the form of ultra violet light emitted from the hull region of a small ( 30 foot in diameter ) UFO may be as high as a million watts in some cases. Obviously, if you are exposed at close range to such a UFO, you can get a "sun" burn in short order, along with eye problems.
Humming noise from behind you: One of the physiological effects of high intensity pulsed microwave radiation is that when the pulse rate is the auditory frequency range, it stimulates the auditory nerve in such a way that the sound always sounds as if it is coming from behind you.
Therefore, the physiological facts back up reports of odd physical experiences which might otherwise be dismissed.

Over the last forty plus years there have been persistent reports of cattle found mutilated. These cattle mutilations have occurred throughout the cattle raising regions of the middle and western United States, as well as in other countries. The estimates of the total number of mutilations to date in the U. S. run from several thousand to perhaps over fifty thousand. There is no nationally organized public record keeping on this phenomenon, only the extrapolated figures of independent researchers. These mutilations are not the messy blood and gore mutilations depicted in horror pictures. Quite to the contrary, these cattle mutilations are quite pristine and involve only a few organs, along with blood removal. I will illustrate the phenomenon by recounting a cattle mutilation witnessed by my mother some years ago.
The story goes like this: One night around 2 A.M. my mother was traveling from San Jose to Merced, California. She was traveling east on Highway 140. As she passed by a friend's ranch near the town of Gustine, she noticed strange lights coming from one of the fields. She stopped the car and got out to take a better look. She saw what she took to be a flying saucer landed in the field. She became frightened and drove off immediately. Two days later the rancher came into my mother's place of business and told her that he had found two of his cattle dead and mutilated in the field where she had seen the landed saucer. The rancher called in the State Animal Husbandry inspector to do an autopsy. My mother was also a friend of the inspector and she was able to obtain on loan 11" x 8 1/2 " glossy close up pictures of the mutilated areas of the cattle ( two cows ). I was on vacation and visiting my mother at the time. So I was able to study these photographs. Each cow was missing one entire ear, eye, and the uterus. By entire ear I mean the outer ear fold and the entire internal ear organ, including the auditory nerve to the brain. The photographs of the ear areas indicated a surgical skill and technology that might be expected from computerized laser surgery. There was no blood loss evident at the surgery sites and exposed tissue showed crisp clean cutting. The uterus was removed through incisions approximately six inches long in the sides of each cow. All the blood had been removed from both cows. Again, there was no blood loss evident at the incision. The autopsy indicated no apparent cause of death.
Now, if you were from a very technologically advanced civilization from another world, why would you possibly need the blood, the uterus, one eye ( including the optic nerve ), and one ear of a mammal from earth? To answer this question, consider what a uterus is for - growing a fetus. If you are going to use the uterus for that purpose you need to keep it alive and in good working order. To do this, you need to supply the needed nourishment to the uterus tissue, which is the function of blood. However, nourishment is not enough, the uterine tissue requires an active nerve supply, and cyclic neural stimulus to function properly. This is where the ear comes in. The ear mechanism has the somewhat unique ability to transform input sound from the frequency domain into a time domain nerve impulse output to the brain. What this means is that if the nerve fibers of the cow ear are properly grafted to the uterine nerve fibers, the ear can run the uterus as though it were the brain, provided that the right set of auditory signals are fed to the ear.
Now what animal ( mammal ) fetus would they be growing? Why would they be growing it? What are they intending the animal to do? Are their intentions good or evil or indifferent? I do not know the answers to all of these questions, but here is what I think they are doing. I believe that a certain UFO group is growing humans and in the process programming their minds using a neurophone2 type technology. The optic nerve of the cow eye as well as the auditory nerve of the cow ear can both be directly grafted into the appropriate fetal brain regions without tissue rejection in a fetus and be used to directly program the fetal mind. They can grow the fetus to regular term size3 and have it programmed. Now how do you get it delivered to the parents without them becoming suspicious? Well, if the parents are adopting, no problem. If they are not adopting, how hard is it to switch a baby every few years in a particular hospital for particular parents? What is the purpose of all of this? I believe it is to have these programmed people join and effectively control important and influential organizations and institutions both public and private throughout the world. The ultimate purpose perhaps is to fulfill the prophecies of The Book of Revelations.
So you think this idea is a bit off the wall? Well, look at it this way, it would make a great TV movie. Remember how well the Invasion Of The Body Snatchers did?

Since the announcement of the Strategic Defense Initiative ( SDI ) by President Reagan, a great deal of speculation, debate and consideration of its feasibility and desirability have occurred. Though many, if not most issues surrounding SDI are unresolved, the following set of statements would seem justified. 1) No "viable" SDI system can be deployed in the next ten years. 2) The cost of an SDI system will be in the several hundred billion dollar range, if not the multi - trillion dollar range, if the rampant aerospace corruption has its way. 3) A significant percentage of our technically trained population will be required to research, design, build and deploy SDI. 4) SDI will not stop bombers and cruse missiles. 5) The attempted deployment of an SDI system will potentially cause great military and political instability due to its first strike implications, be they real or just perceived by the other side. 6) A 98% effective SDI system will not leave any cities of 30,000 population in existence after a full nuclear exchange. Note that bombers and cruse missiles have not been taken into account.
From the author's point of view SDI is a terrible mistake, though it has one redeeming feature. SDI has sparked a debate, the issues of which could force us to realize that our current nuclear weapon problems are not military in origin, but are political, moral, and spiritual.
If the arms race is to be halted and real disarmament, social justice, and peace are to come to our planet, then there is no room for totalitarian socialists who call themselves Communists, which is an insult to the good intentions of Karl Marx. There will also be no room for totalitarian capitalists and fascists. All of these deplorable systems have the same weak spot. That is, they can only maintain control of their people through the non - challenged use of falsehoods and deceit. This is their weak spot because o one, not even totalitarian socialists, like to be lied to or respect the people who lie to them. I therefore propose the Strategic Communication Initiative ( SCI ). This would be a direct challenge to the Soviets and Eastern Block nations to a continuous exchange between us. I do not propose for us to be content with just continually trying to get the Soviets to agree to an exchange. On the contrary I propose an aggressive, insistent and peaceful effort to penetrate the Soviet and Eastern Block communication media. If necessary and I believe it will be, we must build orbiting phased array transmitters for radio and TV, which for practical purposes ( if properly built and powered ) can not be effectively jammed. Another option is to update with modern components and circuit technology the patents of Nikola Tesla for radio communication through earth ground transmission ( see U. S. patent # 725,605 for a start ). These proposed Tesla transmitters, operated in a phased array mode, should also be practically unjamable.
If we should embark on a SCI course of action, we must be very open and honest about what we want and how we want it achieved. Our goal is not to trigger bloody revolts and revolutions. What we need is a peaceful transition from totalitarian rule to forms of government which respect the people and have them able to peacefully express and ultimately shape their own affairs and destiny. This will require us to put forth a plan which can form the basis for dialogue and continuous progressive change in the political and social structure of the countries involved. This plan must state what is wrong with the present governments. It will outline why it is wrong and how to go about a phased change. We must not indulge in the hard political propaganda sale. We need to send translations of our ( Western ) regular media programming with the occasional well thought out statement of our intent and desires. We need one channel to send a complete, detailed, methodical, and historically accurate account of the history of the totalitarian socialists. We must show the continuity between the murder of 50 to 70 million people under Stalin's rule to the present leadership. This leadership is composed of the "lieutenants" of Stalin and their chosen successors who together carried out the debauchery. The goal is the discrediting of the current leadership of the Soviet Union, with their concurrent peaceful retirement and replacement by a new generation of more honest and decent leaders. For every channel we broadcast to them we must have a channel with a carrier signal on it that is waiting for and set aside for their transmission to both us and their own people.


This article is a condensed and truncated version of a paper presented by the author for credit in a undergraduate independent study course in 1970. What I shall try to present here is a plausible argument for considering Newtonian gravity as a electromagnetic effect. The equivalence of absolute charge and mas, which was derived in the original paper will be presented and assumed valid without proof.
The purpose is to show a plausible reason for Coulomb's law and Newton's gravitational force law both having the same mathematical form and through this process indicate the possibility of replacing the Coulomb and gravitational field by a single field. To obtain this goal it will be necessary to essentially make one assumption. That assumption being that Coulomb's law, even with its special relativity correction, is incorrect, that it is only a good approximation, and that it can be replaced by a modified force law of the same form to obtain a better approximation.
Coulomb's law and Newton's force law of gravitation are both empirical laws. One law ( Coulomb's law ) worked out by studying the forces of interaction of net - charge in a laboratory. The other worked out by studying the forces of interaction ( implied from paths ) of terrestrial and extra terrestrial bodies, and both laws have the same mathematical form. Newton's force law of gravitation is now believed to be incorrect, however it is a good approximation. As for Coulomb's law, high energy electron scattering has shown results expected of a Coulomb's law potential, so that Coulomb's law seems to be correct. That is the form of the potential derivable from Coulomb's law seems correct to within the present ability to measure experimentally.
The proposed modified Coulomb's law to give a better approximation is:

F ij = ( Kt) ( ( Qi ) ( Qj ) ( Gt ) ( Sji )) / R2ij ; Equation 1

where Gt = +1 if t = 1 ( repulsive , like charges )
Gt = _ 1 if t = 2 ( attractive, unlike charges )

K2 > K1 and both are constants with ( K1 + K2 ) / 2 = 8.98 x 10-9 m2 n / coul2.

Fij = the force on charge Qi due to the field of charge Qj at the location of Qi.

Rij = the distance vector from Qi to Qj in that order of direction.

Sji = unit vector in direction of ( _ Rij ).

The modified Coulomb's law has the consequence that the force of repulsion between two like and equal point charges at some distance ( Ro ) apart will be less than the force of attraction between two unlike point charges of the same magnitude as before at the same distance ( Ro ) apart. With this in mind consider two spheres with each sphere consisting of two congruent spheres of equal amounts of charge, but with opposite sign so that the net charge of each sphere is zero (see Figure 1). We have essentially the condition found in two neutrally charged spheres of matter. The modified Coulomb's law implies that there should be a force of attraction between these two spheres, as will now be shown.
F12 = force on sphere ( 1 ) due to the field of sphere ( 2 ) over the volume of sphere ( 1 ). Due to the symmetry of charge distributions, spheres ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) can be treated as "point" spheres. Applying the modified Coulomb's law we have:

F12 = K1((Q1+)(Q2+)(S21)) / R212 + K1((Q1-)(Q2-)(S21)) / R212 _ K2 ((Q1+)(Q2-)(S21)) / R212 _

K2((Q1-)(Q2+)(S21)) / R212 ; Equation 2
Substituting in |Q1+| = |Q1-| and |Q2+| = |Q2-| into Equation 2 and simplifying we obtain:

F12 = _ ( 2k )( |Q1+| |Q2+| ) ( S21 ) / R212 ; Equation 3 , where k = K2 _ K1

This is an attractive force.

The absolute charge of sphere 1 and 2 are A1 = 2|Q1-| = 2|Q1+| and A2 = 2|Q2-| = 2|Q2+| respectfully as given by the definition of absolute charge stated below , along with the statement of absolute charge and mass equivalence. The absolute charge mass equivalence relationship is derived in the TECHNICAL CORNER section of the December 1986 issue of THE UFO REPORT.

Absolute charge _ It is the sum of the magnitude of both positive and negative charge that an entity can be transformed into, if not in practice, in conception3.

Absolute charge and mass equivalence _ The relationship between inertial mass of an object and its absolute charge is given by A = M D, where A is absolute charge, M is inertial mass ( Mo / ( 1 _ V2/C2 )1/2 ), Mo is rest mass, D is a constant. Note that the absolute charge mass equivalence relationship has exactly the same form as the energy - mass relationship E = M C2. Just as the energy - mass relationship is continuous in theory, but quantitized in practice, so is the absolute charge and mass relationship.
Upon substitution of the absolute charge into Equation 3 and then using the absolute charge mass equivalence relationship we obtain:

F12 = _ ( k D2 / 2 ) ( M1 M2 S21 / R212 ) ; Equation 4

This Equation 4 has the same mathematical form as Newton's gravitational law.
Looking at Equation 4 it can be seen that Equation 4 is the equation of the Newtonian gravitational force law for two masses M1 and M2 , if ( k D2 /2 ) is identified with the universal gravitational constant ( G ) of the Newtonian gravitational force law. To test the feasibility of equating ( G ) and ( k D2 / 2 ), we will set them equal and calculate the maximum value of k needed to give Newtonian gravity.

k = 2G / D2 ; Dmin. = | e- | / Me = 1.75 x 1011 coul. / kgm2 ; where G = 6.67 x 10-11 nm2 /kgm2 , | e- | is the assumed absolute charge of an electron and is equal to the absolute value of the net charge of the electron, and Me is the rest mass of an electron.

k = ( 2 ) ( 6.67 x 10-11 nm2 / kgn2 ) / ( 1.75 x 1011 coul. / kgm )2

k = 4.35 x 10-33 m2n / coul.2

k / K = ( 4.35 x 10-33 m2n / coul.2 ) / ( 8.98 x 10-9 m2n / coul.2 ) = 4.84 x 10-25 ; Equation 5

The extremely small value of the ratio k / K in Equation 5 necessary to enable gravitational forces and coulomb forces to be attributable to one force law ( one field ) shows the complete feasibility of equating ( G ) and ( k D2 / 2 ), due to its untestability at present.
Using the modified Coulomb's law and the relativistic transformation for an electric field intensity, the equations of the special relativity correction to the Newtonian gravitational force law can be obtained by steps similar to those above.
The current approach to understanding gravitation is the general theory of relativity approach. However, the success of quantum electrodynamics in explaining electromagnetic phenomenon has led to attempts to quantitize the gravitational field. These quanitization attempts have as their goal a quantum theory of gravity which on the large scale will reduce to the general theory of relativity. The author believes this to be a mistake, because the author believes the general theory of relativity to be in error. The error is easily demonstrated by experimental results which show that the equivalence principle is in error. The equivalence principle would have the time flow rate slowed by acceleration without regard to whether the acceleration came in the form of centripetal acceleration or gravitational acceleration. However, when muons which are traveling close to light velocity are forced by a strong magnetic field to travel in a tight circular orbit, their decay half life time follows the special theory of relativity decay half life time. There is no detectable increase due to centripetal acceleration effects, even when the centripetal acceleration is in the 1019 earth g range.
The author's own prejudice in the matter of gravitation led him to believe that gravitation is a longitudinal electromagnetic wave effect, with the frequency ( f ) of the waves in the 1023 sec.-1 range and upward. The normal electromagnetic field energy quantitization energy given by E = h f will not work. However, as long as I am speculating, perhaps E = d f will work, with h / d > 1025.

1) Neurophone _ An electronic device that enables you to hear without the use of your ears by the stimulation of skin nerves with electrical stimulus derived mainly from the transformation of sound from the frequency domain into the time domain. At least six channels of information can be received simultaneously by the neuraphone technique and all information goes directly to long term memory storage. See U. S. patent # 3,647,970 for the initial neurophone device, though Dr. Flanagan has since greatly improved and modified the device. This device was originally confiscated by the National Security Agency ( NSA ), which monitors all patent applications of any technological importance. After four years of court battles Dr. Flanagan was issued a patent.

2) It is well within the physiological capacity of the cow uterus to grow a fetus to 200 pounds. Perhaps some or all fetuses are programmed and grown to young adulthood, but at an accelerated rate.

3) For some still unknown reason net charge and rest mass are quantitized in nature ( elementary particles ) and are not apparently separable and still stable or viable parameters.